Burgundy velvet stockings from Neiman Marcus are embroidered with holiday cheer. Each cuff can be monogrammed and they are available for $70. If you're looking for something really different for someone special name a star after them. It comes with a gift card, personalized message, star chart and a certificate from the National Star Registry with the name of the star, when it was named, its exact coordinates and directions for seeing your star online. The price ranges from $50 - $75.
A Keepsake Edition of the New York Times, of the day of your choice, preserved in a gold-stamped leatherette cover is a great was to remember an event from a birth to a wedding date for years to come. It’s available for $175. You could also get a genealogy print with information on your family's name origin, its country of origin, a description of the arms, and crest and motto of the family. Beautifully printed and framed in oak and available for $30.00.