When money is tight you have to be more creative and thoughtful than normal to convey your feelings with inexpensive presents. A gift does not have to be costly if it is something that the recipient loves and would have chosen for himself. Creative, interesting and humorous shirts and accessories are available to fit anyone's interest at sites like Zazzle or CafePress. Whether your recipient is an engineer, English teacher or simply has a great sense of humor, you can choose just the right shirt for him or her for under $20. Coolstuffcheap is a website with an enormous selection of inexpensive gifts. From humorous welcome mats to unusual wind chimes and sun-catchers, finding an affordable gift is simple. The ThinkGeek site also has plenty of unusual gifts for those with quirky tastes and interests. Think carefully about the interests and style of the recipient and you will find a gift that will make your loved one's eyes light up.